Ways to avoid scam movers

Whether your move is short term or long term, it’s over whelming and usually takes place during a busy time in your life. Now-a-days, the moving industries are much prone to scams. There are many unscrupulous movers, who hold your belongings and demand more cost than the estimated one. Hiring a scam mover is like leaving your home unlocked when you’re on a vacation. Here are some basic guidelines, which helps you to avoid scam movers.

Don’t let the moving company to hold your belongings:

The scammers come out in large numbers during summer, the busiest season for the moving industry. The scam movers do not stick to the quoted cost, they will double the estimated amount with no validation, and if you refuse to pay the extra amount, they hold your belongings. This is similar to “hostage” situation. Insisting on an on-site estimate and choosing a reputable moving company are the best options to get rid from moving scams and charge disputes.

Check the mover’s credentials:

Approach a company after a cross check

Approach the company after a quick check on the company’s previous moves and licensing policies.

If you hire a moving company for your relocation, it is good to pay a prior visit to their office and meet the movers in person, since many disreputable movers are operating from fake address. Look for a company that offers transport truck for your move, the companies without their own rolling billboard is a definite red flag. During peak season move, you may come across many unlicensed, inefficient, jump-up moving companies, so before hiring, check out the reviews of your movers. In order to protect your items from getting damaged or disappeared, it is recommended to get everything clearly written from the movers, before boarding your belongings on the truck because scam movers refuse to put everything or anything in writing. You can also check the authorization of your moving company by verifying its Pro-Mover certificate, issued by AMSA (American Moving and Storage Association).

Aware of your insurance liability:

The Law says that for damaged or lost goods the movers are required to cover up 60 cents per pound, you can even claim additional amount based on the nature of damage. Sign up for extra insurance for the most valuable possessions. Make sure that your moving company has proper insurance norms by checking in protectyourmove.gov, an official site of the Department of Transportation, which gives information such as moving company’s license number, insurance policies, number of drivers, number of trucks and service ratings. This site helps you to identify the fake movers, who charge upfront for moves and give estimates over phone or on-line.

Ask for references:

Relocation is not a one-man’s affair, so ask your friends and neighbors, who have recently shifted, to refer a reputable movers. Even real estate agents are a great source for finding reputable movers. If you are hiring a moving company found online, ensure that the address published in their website, really exists. Prepare a list of services you need and hire a mover who can accommodate your needs at reasonable cost. Your money can be saved by getting multiple estimates and ensure that the estimate is done at your home.

Double check the moving contract:

Make sure that your agreement is listed with all the details of your transaction that includes delivery date, needed moving supplies, and a complete list of your belongings that you’re going to move and don’t forget to mention the cost quoted by the moving company to avoid unnecessary arguments at the end of your move. It is also mandatory to specify that no additional fee must be charged by drivers as tips or for other allowance. Before you sign a contract, it is important to know your company’s claim process, whether they have their own claim agent or outsource it to a third party. In order to stay away from scammers, never sign contract with blanks, always ensure that the agreement is filled before signing it.

Employ binding estimates:

Look for companies that offer binding estimates, where the final total cost should not exceed the estimate price. The binding estimate, financially safeguard the customers and reduce the addition of multiple fees, after the shipment of the goods.

Be available:

Spent ample of time with the movers and constantly monitor them while hefting your furniture and other valuables. Most of the scam movers abandon your belongings in a private storage facility and fold up shop, while you’re awaiting the delivery. So, being in the premises, will save your possession from getting damaged or disappeared, also be in touch with the movers throughout your move.

Stay away from moving brokers:

When you deal directly with the moving company without any intermediate brokers then you’re less likely to get scammed. Many fake brokers, doing on-line scam by setting up fake slick- looking websites.

Don’t load your goods in unregistered trucks:

The reputed moving companies have their trucks etched with their company logos. The trucks that are left unnamed and movers dressed in un-uniform are the clear indication of scammers. After unloading the goods from the truck, open the box in presence of the movers, to check for obvious damage, if any, you can deduct your moving charge.

Pay for weight not cubic feet:

Make sure that your movers are charging you by considering the weight of your goods, instead of the space occupied by your belongings. When it is charged for weight, we can cross check the cost by measuring the volume of the goods whereas it is difficult to do the same when charged based on the space occupied by the belongings.

Charge on the basis of weight of the goods

Don’t pay cash before the move:

If you settle the deal by paying cash before your move, and if the company does not provide you the receipt, then there is no evidence of the paid transaction, and the moving company can disappear with your possessions, pretending that no transaction ever happened.

You can enjoy hassle free move by being aware about the common scams carried by the movers and by following the above tips you can end up with a secure and sound relocation at reasonable cost.

Moving strategies during peak season

The peak season is a challenging time for both movers and moving companies. The term “peak season” often implies summer time. When the season gets warmer, families will move for vacation. People often choose to travel in summer, in order to avoid accidents during winter due to slippery roads and snow. During this period the moving companies should compete with each other to provide services to people who are moving for a break. For a hassle-free moving experience, it is good to plan early. With the well organized pre- planning, you can beat the moving rush.


Successful movingClimatic conditions:

The summer season is preferred by movers because it offers a safe and easy driving experience reducing the risk of accidents that are caused by snow filled roads and frozen hands and feet. It is very difficult to relocate from one place to another in snow storm or freezing temperature, hence summer is the best time for moving.

Seasonal work:

Many people move in summer, in order to find temporary employment. So, to stay close to their work place, they need to relocate. Companies usually shift their employees in warmer months, when the business encounters temporary decline.

End of the academic year:

Summer break gives a good chance for the children to relocate, to find new school near the newly shifted residence.

Real estate:

There are more number of houses for rent in later spring than autumn season, which gives wide choice to choose your appropriate home.

Reduction in moving cost:

In order to attract customers, many moving companies offer excellent discounts during summer, when the number of relocates reaches its peak.

Whale of time available:

Since it is a vacation period, you can spend plenty of time in arranging and organizing your move. The possibility of missing items and making hasty decisions are reduced to a great extent.

Tips to prepare for peak season move:

Early planning:

Making an appointment

Booking your move prior with a moving company is the best way to make sure everything will go as planned.

Planning as early as possible is the key for a successful move. If you are going to relocate during the peak season, it is good to book the moving company, a month early. Through early reservation of the moving company, you can set up a convenient pick-up-date. Always keep in mind that the delivery date is not guaranteed during peak season. It is advisable to visit the moving company a week before the agreed date, to ensure everything goes smooth according to the plan. It is also important to confirm the availability of professional moving crew on the prescribed date.

Do conscious packing:

There is great demand for moving supplies during peak season. The packing process can be carried out easily by using the moving materials like packing tape, bubble wrap, padding items, tape dispenser, cardboard boxes, and moving blankets etc. For proper and efficient packing, keep the moving materials handy. Start the packing process a week before the moving day. Spend at least couple of hours every day to pack your valuable possessions, in order to avoid hectic last minute packing. Get lists of non-allowable items that cannot be shipped by your moving company and don’t waste time in packing them.

Choose trustworthy movers:

The moving professionals from a trust worthy and reputed company can reduce the laborious work of relocation process to a great extent. But selecting a trustworthy mover is a great deal. Get quotes from several moving companies in your locality and select the best one that fits into your budget. The business of moving companies, shoots up during the peak season, they are liable to sign up for more jobs. So, ensure that the mover’s trucks and other requirements for moving are appropriate, to avoid unfortunate conditions. During peak season it is possible to get caught into the “moving scam”, so double check the documents of the movers.

Avoid hazardous materials:

When moving in hot summer months, avoid carrying hazardous materials that explode or catch fire easily. For instance, if you’re relocating your gas cylinder in hot summer, it gets overheated and may explode. Don’t pack materials that can melt at high temperature, as it can spoil or warp the container.

Consider the weather:

It is very important to stay cool and hydrated, if you are relocating in hot summer. Keep in mind that the scorching heat is going to accompany you throughout the moving process. So, dress in light –colored and comfortable clothes, on moving day. Consume plenty of water, as it keeps you hydrated. In between the moving process, intake of the wholesome snacks, granola bars and fruits, helps you to retain energy. If you or the movers involved in relocation process feels too hot, placing cold wet towel, on the back of the neck, lowers the body temperature and gives quick relief from heat. Moving in hot sun may cause discomfort to your skin. Protect your skin from sunburns and tanning by using quality sunscreen lotion.

Stay healthy

Boost yourself periodically by drinking water or other energy drinks. Avoid aerated drinks while moving.

Prepare essentials box:

During peak season your shipment may be delayed, due to busy roads and limited storage spaces. You may arrive at your new residence before your belongings, so ensure that all your essentials travel with you. Prepare a separate essentials box that includes all the items you require to survive for a week. By doing this, you can survive in your new home immediately, without expecting the arrival of your belongings.

Packing materials to be kept handy

Be self-sufficient with packing materials as during seasonal time these are first to go out of stock!

Mind the documents:

Don’t forget to carry your relevant papers and documents, while moving in high season. Always make sure that your professional movers also carry their license, vehicle registration and insurance papers. Retrieve the medical and school records; notify your change of address to neighbors. So that it is easy for you to access your postal letters, payment bills etc.

Prefer early morning move:

During summer, the heat intensity is too high. So try to load all your possessions in the truck before the sun rise and move as early as possible. It is wise, if you get your truck parked in front of the home the night before you leave so that you can start loading your household items in evening or before the dawn of the sun.

By following the above strategies, your relocation process during seasonal time becomes easy and blissful.

Moving on tight budget – Saving money tips

The moving process is daunting, especially for those, who are on a tight budget. Shifting all your belongings from a current place into a new location without dropping a ton of cash is a big task. The relocation stress can be avoided by paying special attention to financial aspects of the moving process. Here are few strategies for optimizing the moving expenses and planning a move without breaking the bank.

Plan about your budget prior and make a move

Be calculative about each thing to be carried along. Deduct moving cost as much as possible.

Hire professional movers:
It is an optimal choice to hire professional and reputed movers. There is always a misconception that DIY moving reduces money, rather than hiring movers. The efficient movers can significantly reduce the amount of time that the move takes, which in turn saves money. The fabulous features of movers include speedy service, well-planned, organized and executed move and they are equipped with the basic requirements such as trucks and tools.

How to choose affordable movers:
Through online, search for the best moving companies in your locality. The Yelp, Better Business Bureau, and the Angie’s list serve you for this purpose.
Get multiple bids:
In order to save money, ask for bids from at least five companies, so that it is easy for you to compare the rates and choose the suitable one, which fits your budget. Opt for a company that gives you cost reduction offers.
Consider license:
Most of the moving companies are liable to false insurance and security policies. The probability of loss of your possessions may be limited by considering their license and security policies.

Saving on moving supplies:
The affordable packing supplies can be obtained by doing online shopping. Instead of using bubbled wrap, use crumbled news paper to pad the breakable items. Use your own blankets and linens for padding, since renting those things may burden your expense. The usage of previously used boxes for packing will cut down your moving expense to a great extent. If you’re going to use tape dispenser only for short term, then borrow it from your friend or neighbor, instead of buying a new one.

Save money by purging the possessions:
The moving quotes are calculated depending on the volume of the items that needs to be shifted. It is important to sort through your belongings and get rid of those you do not wish to carry. This activity consumes some time but saves a considerable amount of your money.

Saving on transportation:
You need to rent a truck, if you are moving by yourself. Even though, your move is temporary, if your belongings are more than the space in the truck, then separate storage units are necessary.
Go for combo deals:
There are some storage companies, which offer storing units along with the trucks and rental vans. Choose those types of companies for cost reduction moves.
Rental trucks:
Rent a suitable truck, based on the volume of your belongings. Renting a small truck and making multiple trips will gobble your money and slow down your move. Stock the easy to move stuff such as towels, clothes and linens in your own car, so that you can find enough space to load the bulky items in truck. This reduces the number of trucks you’re using to shift your belongings.

Earn from unwanted stuff:

Garage Sale

Sell unwanted items at discounted price to raise money for moving !

The items, you have never used can be unloaded while you are moving. The garage sale will fetch you money. Try to sell unwanted papers and books, so that it will reduce the time and hassle of packing unwanted items. Selling old boxes are a great source for money, keep some for packing and sell the rest for reasonable cost. Shifting furniture from one place to another is a great deal. If you’re having enough furniture, make sure that it fits your new home else sell the extra furniture to neighbors and friends. Some house hold utensils are fragile in nature, packing those items by using bubble wrap and card board boxes consume time and cash. Instead of carrying such breakables along with you, selling it for a good cost is always a wise choice.

Cut down trip expenses:
Plan your departure:
It is advisable to stay in a hotel or motel, the previous night before you depart. If you look for a suit rooms then obviously you’re going to waste money. If space permits, you can unroll the sleeping bag and sleep in your living room itself.
Food while traveling:
Try to stick with foods that balance your intention of saving money. If you are a health conscious person, avoid junk foods and road side eateries, since these inadmissible foods may harm your health and create discomfort while traveling. The pre-prepared homemade food will reduce your expense. The homemade energy bars, juices and sandwiches makes you feel refreshed at minimal cost.
Shop in dollar store:
The dollar stores are an excellent place for shopping, if you are on a lean budget. The cleaning supplies and toiletries for your new home can be bought from these simple stores.

Plan ahead:
If you’re relocating to new apartment or home, talk to the landlord, property manager or a real estate agent regarding the facilities such as cable and internet connections. You can even get those services through online booking but consulting them will fetch you these services at much reasonable cost. Make a prior visit to the new home before shifting, to ensure that the furniture fits through the doors and walls of your new residence. If you suspect that it is not possible to fit then remove those doors ahead, to avoid unnecessary questions and charges from the movers.

DIY home repairs:
DIY (do it yourself) strategy will help you to save money. The simple home repairs and installation works, which are carried out by us, will lighten our budget burden. The new home may be structurally sound but to make it livable, it requires a bit of sprucing up. So, it is always advisable to keep the tools handy. By doing a self employed home repair, you can save huge amount of money.